8 Best Adventure Activities in Rishikesh - Shri Hari Travel

8 Best Adventure Activities in Rishikesh: Unleash Your Inner Thrill-Seeker

Nestled in the embrace of the mighty Himalayas and caressed by the sacred waters of the Ganges, Rishikesh, India, is not just a spiritual heaven but also the adventure capital of the country. Its picturesque landscapes are a playground for thrill-seekers from all corners of the globe. In this blog, we’ll explore the Top 8 adventure activities in Rishikesh that promise an adrenaline rush like never before.

Top Adventure Activities in Rishikesh

Many travelers often explore different countries, and cities very frequently to find the real adventure in life. After getting bored with their 9 to 6 corporate life, some take a step forward to change their life completely by choosing travel over anything else. Travelers can easily reach all the below-mentioned sites with our best taxi service in Rishikesh. Rishikesh is the most awaited place for travelers who can experience a breathtaking and amazing feel in these 8 top adventure activities in Rishikesh:

  1. Rishikesh River Rafting
  2. Camping
  3. Cliff Jumping
  4. Kayaking
  5. Bungee Jumping
  6. Swing
  7. Flying Fox
  8. Waterfall Trekking

1. River Rafting: Conquer the Gushing Ganges

River Rafting Adventure Activities in Rishikesh - Shri Hari Tour and Adventures

Rishikesh offers a unique blend of spirituality and adventure. This city, located on the banks of the holy Ganges River and surrounded by the majestic Himalayas, is not only a pilgrimage site but also an adrenaline junkie’s paradise. With its diverse terrain and the roaring Ganges, Rishikesh is often referred to as the adventure capital of India. It’s no wonder that adventure enthusiasts from all over the world flock to this destination. 

River rafting is undoubtedly the crown jewel of adventure activities in Rishikesh, and for good reason. This heart-pounding experience allows you to conquer the gushing Ganges in a way that few other adventures can match. Here’s everything you need to know about river rafting in Rishikesh:

The Thrill of Rafting

River rafting in Rishikesh is not just an adventure; it’s an exhilarating journey through roaring rapids and scenic landscapes. The mighty Ganges, flanked by the stunning Himalayas, provides the perfect backdrop for this thrilling experience. This thrill of Rafting is also included in the best Rishikesh sports activities.

The Ideal Season

The best time to embark on a river rafting adventure in Rishikesh is from September to June. During these months, the water levels of the Ganges are just right, neither too wild nor entirely calm, ensuring a safe yet exciting ride.

Safety First

Safety is paramount when it comes to river rafting in Rishikesh. Expert operators with years of experience ensure that your adventure is not only thrilling but also safe. These Rishikesh adventure camp ensures visitor’s safety from every perspective. They provide all the necessary safety equipment, including life jackets and helmets, and brief you on the essential guidelines to follow during the journey.

Choosing Your Route

Rishikesh offers various routes for river rafting, catering to different levels of expertise. Whether you’re a beginner looking for a relatively calm ride or an experienced rafter seeking a more challenging course, there’s a route for you. The most popular stretch is the Brahmapuri to Rishikesh route, perfect for beginners and families.

Riverside Camping: Enhancing the Experience

To make your adventure even more immersive, consider combining river rafting with riverside camping. Picture yourself spending the night under the stars, with the soothing sounds of the Ganges lulling you to sleep.

Riverside camping in serene locations like Shivpuri, Kaudiyala, Brahmpuri, and Byasi adds an extra layer of excitement to your Rishikesh adventure.

A Memorable Experience

River rafting in Rishikesh is more than just a thrill; it’s an unforgettable experience that allows you to connect with nature and test your mettle against the mighty Ganges. Whether you’re an adrenaline junkie or a nature enthusiast, these adventure activities in Rishikesh promises to leave you with lasting memories of your time in the adventure capital of India.

2. Camping: Embrace the Wilderness

Camping Adventure Activities in Rishikesh - Shri Hari Tour and Adventures

Imagine waking up to the soothing sound of the Ganges and the chirping of birds. That’s what camping in Rishikesh offers. Whether you prefer the comfort of modern amenities or the thrill of jungle camping, Rishikesh has it all. It’s a fantastic way to connect with nature and rejuvenate your spirit with these adventure activities in Rishikesh.

Camping in Rishikesh is an extraordinary adventure that allows you to immerse yourself in the pristine beauty of nature while enjoying the serenity of the Himalayan surroundings. Here’s everything you need to know about camping in this enchanting destination:

Communing with Nature

Camping in Rishikesh offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature. You can leave behind the hustle and bustle of city life and find solace in the serene surroundings of Rishikesh. The melodious sounds of the Ganges and the rustling leaves will be your companions.

Riverside Camping Sites

Rishikesh boasts several camping sites, each offering a different experience. Popular locations for riverside camping include Shivpuri, Kaudiyala, Brahmpuri, and Byasi. These sites and the Rishikesh adventure camp are strategically chosen to provide campers with stunning views of the Ganges and the surrounding wilderness.

Luxury Camping vs. Jungle Camping

Rishikesh caters to different preferences when it comes to camping. You can choose between luxury camping and jungle camping. These luxury and jungle campsites are one of the most amazing adventure activities in Rishikesh. Let’s have a look at both of them:

Luxury Camping

If you prefer modern amenities and a more comfortable camping experience, luxury camping is the way to go. Swiss camp cottages equipped with electricity, attached washrooms, fans, and hot/cold water facilities provide a touch of luxury amidst nature’s beauty.

Jungle Camping

On the other hand, if you seek a raw and rustic adventure, jungle camping is ideal. Basic tents in the heart of the wilderness offer a more immersive experience. You’ll find yourself truly living in and off the natural surroundings.

Adventure Companions

Camping in Rishikesh complements a range of other adventurous activities that you can partake in during your stay. These include trekking, wildlife safaris, mountaineering, and, of course, river rafting. Camping acts as a comfortable and convenient base from which to launch your adventures.

Camping Essentials

When planning a camping trip in Rishikesh, remember to pack essentials such as warm clothing, comfortable footwear, insect repellent, and a reliable flashlight. While luxury camps provide many amenities, it’s always a good idea to be prepared for any situation when jungle camping. The excitement will be at its peak with these adventure activities in Rishikesh.

A Unique Experience

Camping in Rishikesh is not just about spending a night outdoors; it’s about embracing the wilderness and creating lasting memories. Whether you choose the luxury of modern amenities or the authenticity of jungle camping, the experience of camping in Rishikesh is bound to leave you with a deep appreciation for nature and a sense of inner peace in these Rishikesh sports activities.

3. Cliff Jumping: Take the Plunge

Cliff Jumping Adventure Activities in Rishikesh - Shir Hari Travels

Are you ready to take a leap of faith? Cliff jumping in Rishikesh is not for the faint-hearted. It’s an exhilarating experience that will make your heart race. With the guidance of expert instructors and top-notch safety equipment, you can safely take the plunge and conquer your fears.

For the true daredevils and thrill-seekers visiting Rishikesh, cliff jumping is an adventure that promises an adrenaline rush like no other. This activity will add a lot of excitement to your adventure activities in Rishikesh. Here’s everything you need to know about taking the plunge into the icy waters of the Ganges:

A Test of Courage

Cliff jumping is an activity that requires not only physical fitness but also a strong dose of courage. It involves jumping from heights ranging from 30 to 40 feet into the chilling waters of the Ganges. The experience is nothing short of exhilarating.

Choose Your Jumping Height

One of the exciting aspects of cliff jumping in Rishikesh is that you can choose your jumping height based on your confidence and comfort level. If you’re a first-timer or not entirely sure, you can start with a lower jump. As you gain confidence, you can progress to higher jumps. The flexibility in choosing your height ensures that cliff jumping is an adventure accessible to various levels of adventurers.

Safety First

Safety is a top priority when it comes to cliff jumping in Rishikesh. Professional instructors are present to guide and ensure your safety throughout the experience. They provide participants with helmets and life jackets, which are essential for a secure jump. Before you take the leap, instructors brief you on the proper techniques and safety measures to follow.

The Thrill of the Plunge

Standing on the edge of a cliff, the brisk wind in your hair, and the anticipation building up – the moment you take the plunge is both heart-pounding and liberating. The icy waters of the Ganges provide a refreshing shock to your system, making this adventure a memorable addition to your journey for the best adventure activities in Rishikesh.

A Must-Try Adventure

Cliff jumping is undoubtedly one of the top things to do in Rishikesh for those who crave excitement and adventure. It’s an experience that pushes your boundaries and leaves you with a sense of accomplishment. Plus, the breathtaking backdrop of the Himalayas and the Ganges adds an extra layer of beauty to your daring feat.

Capture the Moment

Don’t forget to capture the thrill on camera! Many adventure operators offer photography services to capture your cliff-jumping moments. You’ll want to relive the excitement and share your adventure with friends and family back home.

A Thrilling Memory

Cliff jumping in Rishikesh is more than just an adventure; it’s a thrilling memory that you’ll cherish for a lifetime. The combination of breathtaking natural beauty and the rush of adrenaline makes this activity an unforgettable part of your Rishikesh adventure activities.

4. Kayaking: Paddle Through Adventure

Kayaking Adventure Activities in Rishikesh - Shri Hari Travel

For those who love water sports, kayaking in Rishikesh is a must-try activity. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced kayaker, the Ganges offers a thrilling adventure. The rush of paddling through white water rapids is an experience you won’t forget.

Kayaking in Rishikesh is a thrilling adventure that allows you to paddle through the heart-pounding excitement of the mighty River Ganga. Here’s all you need to know about this exhilarating water sport:

Diverse Forms of Kayaking

Kayaking in Rishikesh offers diverse forms of this water sport, with whitewater kayaking being one of the most popular choices. Whitewater kayaking involves navigating through turbulent and fast-moving water, providing an adrenaline rush like no other. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced kayaker, Rishikesh has the right kayaking experience for you.

The Challenge of the Mighty Ganga

The experience of kayaking on the River Ganga is both challenging and memorable. The Ganga’s powerful flow and varying water conditions provide kayakers with an ever-changing and exciting adventure. Navigating through the river’s twists and turns, encountering rapids, and feeling the spray of the Ganges on your face make kayaking in Rishikesh an unforgettable experience.

Complementing River Rafting

While river rafting is a popular adventure in Rishikesh, kayaking offers its own unique set of challenges and thrills. It complements river rafting perfectly, allowing adventurers to explore the Ganges from a different perspective. If you’ve experienced the rush of rafting, kayaking offers a more intimate and personal connection with the river.

Choosing the Right Experience

When considering kayaking in Rishikesh, it’s essential to choose the experience that suits your skill level and preferences. Beginners can opt for calmer stretches of the river, while more experienced kayakers may seek the exhilaration of challenging rapids. Be sure to communicate your comfort level with your kayaking guide to ensure a safe and enjoyable Rishikesh adventure.

Safety First

As with any adventure activity, safety is a top priority in kayaking. Expert guides and instructors accompany kayakers, providing guidance, safety equipment, and instructions on navigating the river safely. Helmets, life jackets, and other essential gear are provided to ensure your well-being during the adventure.

An Unforgettable Experience

Kayaking in Rishikesh is not just a sport; it’s an opportunity to connect with the untamed beauty of nature. As you paddle through the challenging waters of the Ganges, you’ll be surrounded by the stunning landscape of the Himalayas, creating a backdrop that enhances the adventure. The memories you create while kayaking in Rishikesh will stay with you long after you’ve left the banks of the Ganges.

Explore the River’s Beauty

Kayaking allows you to explore the hidden corners and serene stretches of the River Ganga, providing a sense of tranquility and wonder amidst the excitement. Keep an eye out for the diverse wildlife and the lush greenery that surrounds the riverbanks.

A Unique Perspective

Whether you’re a solo adventurer or part of a group, kayaking in Rishikesh offers a unique perspective on the region’s natural beauty and adventure opportunities. It’s a chance to challenge yourself physically while immersing yourself in the breathtaking scenery of the adventure capital of India and experience the best adventure sports in Rishikesh.

5. Bungee Jumping: Defy Gravity

Bungee Jumping Adventure Activities in Rishikesh - Shri Hari Tour and Adventures

If you’re seeking the ultimate adrenaline rush, look no further than bungee jumping in Rishikesh. Feel the wind rush past you as you free-fall from dizzying heights. It’s an experience that will test your courage and leave you with memories to last a lifetime.

Bungee jumping in Rishikesh is the epitome of adventure, where you’ll experience the exhilaration of defying gravity and taking a heart-pounding leap into the unknown. Here’s everything you need to know about this daring activity:

An Adventure for the Fearless

Bungee jumping in Rishikesh is not for the faint of heart. It’s an activity that beckons to those who seek an adrenaline rush like no other. With heights ranging from 220 to 273 feet, this adventure will push your limits and test your courage.

The Ultimate Free Fall

Once you make the leap, you’ll enter a heart-pounding free fall. The sensation of plummeting towards the ground at high speed is a thrilling experience that words can hardly describe. As you accelerate, you may reach speeds of up to 160 mph, creating an intense rush of excitement.

Safety First

Safety is paramount when it comes to bungee jumping, and Rishikesh is no exception. Expert operators ensure that all safety measures are in place. Participants are securely harnessed to a strong bungee cord, and professional guides are on hand to oversee the entire process. Helmets and other safety gear are provided to ensure your well-being.

Choosing Your Jump

Bungee jumping in Rishikesh offers various heights for you to choose from, allowing you to tailor the experience to your comfort level and courage. Whether you’re a first-time jumper or an experienced thrill-seeker, there’s a jump height that’s just right for you. These breathtaking adventure and sports activities in Rishikesh provide a top-notch adrenaline experience that you don’t want to miss.

A Thrill Like No Other

Bungee jumping is often considered one of the top adventure activities worldwide, and experiencing it in Rishikesh takes it to a whole new level. The combination of breathtaking natural beauty, the rush of free fall, and the sense of conquering your fears makes this adventure an absolute must for those seeking the extraordinary.

Capture the Moment

Many operators offer photography and video services, allowing you to capture every heart-pounding moment of your bungee jump. The images and footage serve as a lasting memento of your fearless feat, something you can proudly share with friends and family.

A Test of Courage

Beyond the physical rush, bungee jumping is a test of courage and mental fortitude. It challenges you to confront your fears and take a leap into the unknown, emerging on the other side with a sense of accomplishment and newfound confidence.

A Thrilling Memory

Bungee jumping in Rishikesh isn’t just an adventure; it’s a thrilling memory that will stay with you forever. The rush of adrenaline, the stunning backdrop of the Himalayas, and the feeling of defying gravity create an experience that you’ll cherish and recount for years to come.

6. Giant Swing: Swoop Like a Bird

Giant Swing Adventure Activities in Rishikesh - Shri Hari Tour and Adventures

The swing activity in Rishikesh is like nothing you’ve experienced before. Soar through the sky like a bird, suspended from a bungee platform. Whether you go solo or with a partner, the sensation of flying through the air is nothing short of exhilarating.

The swing activity in Rishikesh is an adventure that allows you to experience the sensation of soaring high in the sky like a bird. We collaborated with the best Rishikesh adventure park that provides extra safety, and additional adrenaline to the travelers. Here’s everything you need to know about this breathtaking experience:

Soaring to New Heights

The swing activity in Rishikesh offers an exhilarating opportunity to soar high above the picturesque landscape of the region. Whether you choose to enjoy this adventure solo or with a partner, you’re in for an unforgettable experience that combines thrill and awe-inspiring views.

A Secure Adventure

Swing activities in Rishikesh are conducted from a specially designed bungee platform, ensuring the utmost safety for participants. You’ll be securely harnessed and connected to the platform with strong wire ropes, giving you the freedom to enjoy the adventure without worry.

Choose Your Partner

The swing can be enjoyed both solo and with a partner. If you prefer to share the experience, you and your partner will be harnessed separately and then released simultaneously, creating a sense of unity and adventure that’s truly unique.

The Heart-Pounding Swing

As you step off the platform and into the open air, you’ll experience a heart-pounding sensation akin to free fall. The rush of wind against your face and the incredible feeling of freedom as you swing through the air make this adventure an absolute must for thrill-seekers.

Gentle Descent to Serenity

After the heart-pounding swing, the adventure doesn’t end abruptly. Instead, you’ll gently descend to a serene drop zone located by the river. This gradual descent allows you to savor the breathtaking views and tranquil surroundings as you transition from the adrenaline rush to a state of calm.

A Blend of Thrill and Beauty

What sets the swing activity in Rishikesh apart is the perfect blend of thrill and natural beauty. As you swing through the air, you’ll be surrounded by the stunning backdrop of the Himalayan mountains and the lush greenery of the region. It’s an adventure that not only tests your courage but also allows you to connect with the awe-inspiring beauty of Rishikesh.

An Experience to Cherish

The swing adventure in Rishikesh isn’t just about the adrenaline rush; it’s an experience that you’ll cherish for a lifetime. The memories of soaring high in the sky, the rush of wind against your face, and the gentle descent to tranquility will stay with you as a testament to your daring spirit.

Capture the Moment

Many operators offer photography and video services, allowing you to capture every thrilling moment of your swing adventure. The images and footage serve as a lasting reminder of your journey through the skies of Rishikesh, something you can share with friends and family to relive the excitement.

7. Flying Fox: Glide Like a Bird

Flying Fox Adventure Activity in Rishikesh - Shri Hari Travel

For those who have always dreamt of flying, the flying fox activity in Rishikesh offers a taste of that dream. Glide through the air with the wind in your hair and a smile on your face.

Whether you’re with friends or flying solo, it’s an adventure you won’t want to miss. We work with the best Rishikesh adventure park which believes in providing the best services and adrenaline pumps to their visitors.

Fulfilling your dream of soaring through the skies like a free bird becomes a reality with the thrilling flying fox adventure in Rishikesh. Here’s a detailed look at this exhilarating experience:

A Dream Come True

The flying fox adventure in Rishikesh allows you to fulfill the dream of soaring through the skies. It’s an experience that combines the exhilaration of flight with the stunning natural beauty of the Himalayan region.

Designed for All

The beauty of the flying fox adventure is that it’s accessible to a wide range of participants. Whether you’re an adventure enthusiast looking to share the experience with friends or a solo adventurer seeking the thrill of flight, the Flying Fox has something to offer. These adventure activities in Rishikesh are designed for all so that anyone can feel real thrill.

Group Thrills

If you prefer to share the adventure, the flying fox is designed for two or three participants to fly together simultaneously. This creates a sense of togetherness and excitement as you glide through the air, taking in the breathtaking views of the landscape below.

Solo Adventure

For those who prefer a more solitary adventure, the flying fox can also be enjoyed solo. This allows you to immerse yourself in the thrill of the experience and connect more intimately with the natural surroundings.

The Heart-Pounding Glide

As you step off the platform and into the open air, you’ll experience a heart-pounding rush of excitement. The flying fox adventure in Rishikesh involves gliding for a kilometer on a hardwire, and as you pick up speed, you may reach exhilarating velocities of up to 160 mph.

Breathtaking Views

One of the highlights of the flying fox adventure is the opportunity to enjoy breathtaking views of the Himalayan mountains and the lush greenery of Rishikesh. It’s a unique perspective that allows you to connect with the natural beauty of the region in a way that few other adventures can offer.

A Blend of Thrill and Adventure

The flying fox adventure is a perfect blend of thrill and adventure. It offers the rush of high-speed flight while also allowing you to savor the natural beauty and tranquility of Rishikesh. It’s an experience that satisfies both the adrenaline junkie and the nature enthusiast in you.

Capture the Experience

Many operators provide photography and video services, allowing you to capture every heart-pounding moment of your flying fox adventure. The images and footage serve as a lasting memento of your flight through the skies of Rishikesh, something you can share with friends and family to relive the excitement. There are some adventure parks available which are the hub for sports activities in Rishikesh.

A Memory to Treasure

Beyond the adrenaline rush, the flying fox adventure in Rishikesh creates a memory that you’ll treasure for a lifetime. The sensation of flight, the stunning vistas, and the sense of freedom in the open air come together to form an unforgettable experience in the adventure capital of India.

8. Waterfall Trekking: Connect with Nature

Waterfall Trekking Adventure Activities in Rishikesh - Shri Hari Tour and Adventures

If you’re looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, waterfall trekking in Rishikesh is the perfect antidote. Explore hidden waterfalls nestled in lush green forests. As you trek along narrow trails, you might even spot some of Uttarakhand’s exotic wildlife. It’s a chance to reconnect with nature in its purest form.

Escape the hustle and bustle of urban life and embark on a journey of discovery through waterfall trekking in Rishikesh. Here’s an in-depth exploration of this captivating adventure:

A Retreat into Nature

Waterfall trekking in Rishikesh offers a serene escape from the noise and chaos of city life. It’s a chance to immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature, leaving behind the stress and worries of the modern world.

Hidden Waterfalls Await

Rishikesh boasts a wealth of hidden waterfalls, each offering a unique and enchanting experience. Among the must-visit waterfalls are Neergadh, Garud Chatti, and Patna, each with its own distinct charm and beauty. Trekking to these hidden waterfalls is one of the best adventure activities in Rishikesh.

Unexplored Wilderness

The trekking routes to these waterfalls take you through unexplored areas surrounded by lush greenery. You’ll traverse narrow trails that wind their way through the dense forests of Uttarakhand, offering a true sense of wilderness and adventure.

A Symphony of Nature

As you trek through these pristine landscapes, you’ll be treated to a symphony of nature’s sounds. The chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle gurgling of streams create a soothing and immersive experience that reconnects you with the natural world.

Encounter Exotic Wildlife

Uttarakhand is home to a rich variety of wildlife, and waterfall trekking provides an opportunity to encounter some of these exotic species. Keep your eyes peeled for glimpses of animals like langurs, deer, and a wide array of bird species that call this region home.

Refreshing Natural Pools

Many of these waterfall trekking routes lead to natural pools formed by cascading waterfalls. These pools offer a refreshing respite where you can take a dip, cool off, and rejuvenate amidst the pristine waters of the mountains.

Challenges and Rewards

Waterfall trekking is not without its challenges, as you navigate steep ascents and descents along the trails. However, the rewards are well worth the effort. Each waterfall you encounter is a breathtaking sight, and the sense of accomplishment at the end of the trek is unparalleled.

Respect for Nature

While enjoying waterfall trekking, it’s essential to maintain a deep respect for nature. Leave no trace behind, follow responsible trekking practices, and preserve the pristine beauty of these natural wonders for generations to come.

Capturing the Memories

Don’t forget to capture the memories of your waterfall trekking adventure. The lush landscapes, serene waterfalls, and encounters with wildlife make for incredible photo opportunities. These images will serve as lasting reminders of your journey into the heart of nature.

A Spiritual Connection

Beyond the physical benefits, waterfall trekking in Rishikesh can also provide a spiritual connection. The serene surroundings and the sense of being in the presence of untouched natural beauty can be a deeply meditative experience.

An Invitation to Explore

Waterfall trekking invites you to explore the hidden gems of Rishikesh, where the beauty of nature takes center stage. It’s an adventure that allows you to connect with the earth, breathe in the fresh mountain air, and rediscover the wonder of the natural world.


Rishikesh, with its spiritual aura and breathtaking landscapes, is not just a sanctuary for the soul but also a haven for adventure enthusiasts. These 8 thrilling activities will satisfy your craving for adrenaline and create indelible memories in this picturesque Indian destination.

Above mentioned are the best adventure sports in Rishikesh. Whether you’re an experienced adventurer or a first-timer, Rishikesh has something extraordinary in store for you. Pack your bags and get ready to conquer the adventure capital of India. Explore all the adventure activities in Rishikesh one by one and boost your adrenaline now. Happy Journey!


How many adventures are there in Rishikesh?

Rishikesh is a hub for sports and adventure activities. Travelers can feel the real adrenaline pump in various activities such as River Rafting, Bungee Jumping, Cliff Jumping, and many more. 

What all sports are there in Rishikesh?

Some of the best adventure activities in Rishikesh are River Rafting, Jungle Camping, Cliff Jumping, Bungee Jumping, Flying Fox, and many more like this.

Is there bungee jumping in Rishikesh?

Yes, Bungee Jumping is one of the most thrilling adventure activities in Rishikesh. Also, this is a must-try adventure sport for adventure enthusiasts.

Is cliff jumping free in Rishikesh?

Cliff Jumping activity is a part of rafting which tests strength and mental ability. Travelers will be able to do it in between their rafting, and it’s absolutely free of cost.

How much Bungee jumping cost in Rishikesh?

Bungee Jumping will cost you around 4600 Indian Rupees on Asia’s highest Bungee Jumping in Rishikesh. But, you call us before visiting the site and get the additional discount right away.

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